Saturday, June 25, 2011

pavement and soccer nets

a few nights ago, two of my favourite people and i went on a late night after-curfew adventure to get some oreo frosties and take some pictures. we ended up on a blanket in the middle of a soccer field laughing about life and trying to take pictures of the stars. when we went back to the car, lila told me to lie on the pavement so i did and she shot me and then i shot her and i love these moments. i love summer and being free and not worrying about the future quite yet. i love being almost old enough to be completely independent, but still young enough to have friends and laughs and to be in love with the world.


models: lila, maura, and myself

Sunday, June 19, 2011

lila and the moon

a bit ago my friend and i went outside in cold night to take some pictures. she was freezing because she's always freezing, and our cameras only had moonlight to work with. nevertheless, we went and we shot and here are some of those.


technology is sucking life out of me

i've been up all night and it's because of this device. phones. technology is ridiculous. fun, but completely ridiculous. i need to go hide away in a cabin in the woods with no electricity. just me and someone i am in love with. and we can descover the world together the way it was supposed to be seen. not behind screens, but beneath leaves and sky. with our feet bare in rubber grass.

anyway, here are some doodles i did on my phone. artistic, maybe, but mind-numbingly so. still. fun.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

changes, exchanges, and jack kerouac

so i now have a new phone and i am updating this on it. it is a little difficult... the absolute only reason i am doing this on my phone is because i can. i mean, my laptop is litterally sitting in front of me. i'm so lame. and technology is a strange monster. also, i have "on the road," so i'll be able to read that. check it off the list.

my old phone is sitting here alone and unused. it looks so sad. i feel sorry for it. but we live in an age where things are just uncredibly disposable. and, unfortunately for my old phone, it is no exception.

Friday, June 17, 2011

how does rain happen?

it is summer and the constant rain has me begging for the sun. i have a list of goals waiting to be checked off in the next two and a half months, and this is the beginning of them. the next is to read "on the road" by jack kerouac. it will be a good summer, i'm sure, despite the fact that i'm lonely and surrounded by friends and family at the same time. and despite the fact that i'm yearning to go somewhere, anywhere, but here. and despite the fact that in the fall i will not be in new york. summer is always good. summer and shoulder freckles and messy hair is all i need to keep me going.
i will post more soon, this is just a tiny intro.